Sunday, May 13, 2012

Google Fight!
This is a pretty cool website I found. So what you do is you type in two things, and then stick men appear for both of the words you typed in. An the stick men fight each other an the one with the more google results wins. Try it its fun!


Thursday, May 10, 2012

To start everyone off I wanted to show you guys this cool website.
It has a really cool drumset that you can control with the characters on your keyboard. Try it out its pretty sick, but warning it gets addicting!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Hey everyone this is my first post! To start everyone up I really just wanted to share a bunch of cool stuff with everyone out there. It would really help me get started up if I could build up an audience soo if any of you guys like some freakin awesome crap be sure to check back I promise you won't regret it!!!!!!